Rebel Rosa
Rosa is a group exhibition dedicated to the life and legacy of Rosa Parks. Historically, many know of Rosa Parks stand as she sat on the bus in Alabama, not giving up her seat. This act pushed the Civil Rights Movement to a national stage and made her the Mother of the Civil Right’s Movement. Rosa Parks spirit and strength in this act has inspired many and even today we see strong women and people of color changing the world politically, socially and in corporations; all connected to Rosa Parks. . She continues to protest and work for equality for all in Alabama and as she and her husband moved to Detroit, MI.
We are asking participating artists to create at least two works. A portrait of Rosa Parks famous mug shot (each artist will receive a wooden panel to create this portrait) and any other work in 2D or 3D on Rosa Parks in whatever powerful and way they see fit.
Exhibition will open Spring of 2021 at Norwest Gallery of Art in Detroit, MI. DMJStudio will be inviting artists to participate in this exhibition. If you are an artist that may be interested in exhibiting in this, please send CV and up to five sample to donna@dmjstudio.com.