Support DMJStudio

DMJStudio financially supports our projects through the project management and art services work and other freelance projects. But more is always needed. You can help us continue developing our projects by supporting us in several ways.

  • Hire the studio to work for you

  • Become a sponsor to one or more of our projects

  • Collaborate with us to create a project

Your donations pays for the development of at least 4 successful projects and several events including rental of locations, staff, promotional materials and the creative talent that put these things together. For those who would like to sponsor a project, DMJStudio has a fiduciary which will allow your sponsorship to be tax-deductible. If you are interested in supporting the work of DMJStudio, fill out this form below.

Thank you for your support.

We are a group that work together to develop cultural experience in Metro Detroit and beyond. Your support will help us continue this work. We apprecaite you.