Posters on Politics
DMJStudio presents
Poster on Politics
Opening Date:
Saturday, April 3, 2021
Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History | 315 E. Warren Ave., Detroit, MI 48221
DMJStudio presents Posters on Politics 2020, an exhibition of posters on political events, philosophies, figures, and ideologies showcasing local designers and designers from around the world, creatively displaying politics from an international perspective.
Along with the Poster on Politics 2020 Collection a portion of Eastern Michigan University’s Poster of Discontent IV will be on display. This exhibition seeks to examine points of contention in the current socio-political arena. Posters of Discontent will feature a wide range of politically-based poster designs from a national and international group of artists. Designed to spur discussion and discourse and curated by Prof. Andrew Maniotes, the work presented will range from the political left, right and center viewpoints on a range of hot button topics of the day.
Social distancing guidelines will be observed. (Mask required | six feet apart | No more than 10 people at in the gallery at one time)
On Display:
Saturday, April 3 - Sunday, June 27, 2020
For more information visit The Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History website
Purchase the Book
Posters On Politics the Book (2016-2018) is available for purchase on Blurb.com. The addition of this book to your exhibit or to your class curriculum could not be understated. You can order the book now by clicking here.
If you are interested in ordering 3 or more books, please email donna@dmjstudio.com for discounted rates for multiple orders.
2020 Posters On Politics Exhibit
Over 200 posters from over 20+ countries will be on view here as part of the Posters on Politics Collection 2020. ( Designer’s name and country as well as some details about their work will be available in the coming weeks).
《Against white privilege》by Yicheng_Li (China)
400 Years by Wojciech Mazur (Poland)
Equality by Rongxun Han (China)
Elimination of Inequality by Rongxun Han (China)
No Racism, Love Humanity by Andreas Syah Pahlevi
I Can't Breathe by Ming Xu (China)
Black Justice by Andreas Syah Pahlevi
Stop Racism by Inna Semadar (Australia)
Justice Against Racsim by Andreas Syah Pahlevi
Killing by Bill Peng (Hong Kong)
Police Brutality by Michal Stachacz
Racism by Agnieszka Dajczak (Poland)
Behind Racism by Alberto Martínez (Spain)
Communication by Anna Chorna
Bandido by Arlen Costa (Brazil)
White skin, target skin by Agnieszka Dajczak (Poland)
Autocracy by Artur Skowronski (Poland)
Global Warming by Artur Skowronski (Poland)
Corruption by Anna Black (Ukraine)
People by Alberto Martínez (Spain)
Politics by Artur Skowronski (Poland)
I CAN'T BREATHE by Bill Peng (Hong Kong)
Terrorism by Damian Klaczkiewicz (Poland)
Killing Speech by Chia Hsiang Lee
Love Your Nature as Yourself by Damian Klaczkiewicz (Poland)
Women in Politics by Damian Klaczkiewicz (Poland)
Freedom of Expression by Daniel Meier (Germany)
Stop Terrorism Against Women by Daniel Meier (Germany)
True Love by Daniel Meier (Germany)
War Notes by Dariush Allahyari (Iran)
Minneapolis Can't Breathe by Darren Short
Shadowboxing by by Darren Short
Vote by by Darren Short (USA)
Loneliness of Country by Diego Esparza (Ecuador)
Loneliness of Country by Diego Esparza (Ecuador)
Fake News Great Again by Eduardo Davit
Money, money by Eduardo Davit
Democracy by Eston Kamelang Mauleti (Indonesia)
Greedy by Eston Kamelang Mauleti (Indonesia)
Humanity by Eugeniusz Skorwider (Poland)
Love Women by Eugeniusz Skorwider (Poland)
War by Eugeniusz Skorwider (Poland)
Face Offby Farshad Isapuor (Iran)
Face Off by Farshad Isapuor (Iran)
Sweet Promise by Farshad Isapuor (Iran)
Unclassified by Farshad Isapuor (Iran)
Economics by Eslami Fatemeh (Iran)
Caution vs. Recklessness by Gonzalo Holtheuer (Chile)
Caution vs. Recklessness by Gonzalo Holtheuer (Chile)
The Power of Tongue by Lew Tau Fei (Malaysia)
Black Lives Matter by Orhun Türker (Turkey)
I Can Make This Poster - Wendy Murray (Australia)
Remember Flint by Keith Kitz (United States of America)
Back by He Huang (China)
Freedom by He Huang (China)
The Silence by Hossein Abdi
Racism by Hossein Abdi
Pray for Turkey by Hsueh Yi Ji
Stop Racism by Inna Semadar (Australia)
Justice for Patrick B. by Isabelle Jolicouer (USA)
Fake News by Israel Alberto Agular Cortes (Mexico)
Me engorda / it makes me fat by Israel Alberto Agular Cortes (Mexico)
Stope Hate by Israel Alberto Agular Cortes (Mexico)
Fake News by Ivan Kashlakov (Bulgaria)
Sustainability by Jing Zhou (China)
Cap it all ism by John Clive (United Kingdom)
Clowns by José Luis López
Take it Off by José Luis López
Freedom by Karolina Glanowska
Racism by Karolina Glanowska
Two Sides by Karolina Glanowska
Censorship by Kashevsky Pavel (Belarus)
Mirror News by Kashevsky Pavel (Belarus)
Help! by Keith Kitz
I Want Better For All People by Keith Kitz
Remember Flint by Keith Kitz
Stop the Violence by Seah Kit Guan
Stop the Violence by Seah Kit Guan
Stop the Violence by Seah Kit Guan
Invasion of Poland by Lex Drewinski (Poland)
Fake News by Lex Drewinski
Fucktory by Lina Besedina (Mexico)
The Face of Plastic by Lina Besedina (Mexico)
We Are What We Eat by Lina Besedina (Mexico)
Flower by Liting Ye (China)
Peace EU by Liting Ye (China)
The Recycling Wheel by Liting Ye (China)
False Doctrines by Luis Antonio Rivera Rodriguez (Mexico)
Here We Are by Luis Yañez (Mexico)
Shut Up! “Voice of Democracy in Danger by Luis Yañez (Mexico)
Trump's World by Luis Yañez (Mexico)
¡No los Separen! by Maria Giuliani (USA)
Black Lives Matter by Mario Fuentes (Ecuador)
Waiting to Be Deleted by Marlena Buczek Smith
SOS Hunger in Venezuela by Eduardo Chumaceiro (Venezuela)
Political Prisoner by Eduardo Chumaceiro (Venezuela)
by Eduardo Chumaceiro (Venezuela)
Untitled by Til Til Heine (Germany)
Resistance by Kunta Ayubi (Russia)
Fake News by Patrycja Longaw
Water is LIfe by Patrycja Longaw
S.O.S. by Martina Kač Nemanič(Slovenia)
Team Kentucky by Tremain Farrar (USA)
Reduce. Reuse. Recycle by Tremain Farrar (USA)
The Front Line by Tremain Farrar (USA)
The Red Light by Wang Xu (China)
Fredom of Speech by Wang Xu (China)
Invasion of Poland Lex Drewinski (Poland)
Alibi by Milos Despenic
Fake Newski by Lex Drewinski
Great Again by Milos Despenic
Terror by Masoud Saffari (Iran)
Tolerance by Milos Despenic
Vote by Masoud Saffari (Iran)
Scream by Monika Ziobro (Poland)
Impenetrable Wall by Naandeyé García (Mexico)
Women With Dignity by Naandeyé García (Mexico)
Rains by Natalia Volpe (Argentina)
Vivos hoy y siempre by Natalia Volpe (Argentina)
No War, No Profit by Naufan Noordyanto (Indonesia)
War for Oil by Naufan Noordyanto (Indonesia)
Female Representation in Political World by Naufan Noordyanto (Indonesia)
Racism by Nicos Terzis