Confidence is Beautiful
Confidence is Beautiful is a project focusing on the redefining expanding the definition of beauty. Over the next months, stories and interviews from different people and different social groups will be available. We want to let everyone know that they are beautiful. All you have to do is to confidently tap into it.
I remember meeting April when she was in high school and had made the decision to go to Western Michigan University (Go Broncos). Now she is a successful professional and mom of three growing boys. She is outnumbered in her home, but from what she shared, she is loved.
Chevonne's has lived a full life once as a teacher, once as a flight attendant and now an actress who will be a mother in just a few months. At the age of Forty-one, motherhood is a big change, but she is grateful. She has found beauty in her spirituality and shares more about looking for love.
May is April's twin sister and the life of the party. She really is. She shares with her life after divorce and how it challenged the way she saw herself. She has such a positive message for those who have gone through divorce and raising children even with such a major life change.
Give it up to our teachers. They make life better for our children, especially teachers who teach those with special needs. Toy talks about outer beauty, inner beauty and the beauty in focusing on the good and goodness in all of us. It is alright to be pretty and even better to be kind.
My sister from another mother. LaToya and I have known each other since college. She is a friend of my twin brother and I am glad that she became a friend of mine. She's always been one that shared wisdom with us in our good times and our bad and that by itself made her one of the most beautiful people I've known. You'll find from the interview, she is a little...feisty. You gonna love that too.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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